The Vibe of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

High drama and testosterone tear through this vibe. It’s a heavy metal all the way as Victory, War, Famine and Death are all represented by men on different coloured horses.

Victory rides a white horse and carries a bow but no arrows, War is on a red horse and carries a sword, Famine is on a black horse and carries weighing scales and Death is on a pale horse carrying nothing. The horsemen are given the power to destroy one quarter of the earth using only war, hunger, plague and wild beasts which, when it comes to it, is not a bad bag of guns.

The horsemen are seen as forerunners of the grand finale when Jesus comes back to judge the world and their thundering hooves provide one of the most terrifying vibes in the Bible. Run to the hills!

General vibe: Victory! War! Famine! Death!

Factvibe: Despite popular opinion, none of the horsemen represent plague.

The messengers of armageddon, on horses

The messengers of armageddon, on horses

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